Transportation and Storage Sector

Injury Statistics Dashboards

The Transportation and Storage Sector has the third highest worker fatality rate each year, after construction and agriculture.

The main causes of fatalities in this sector are:

  • Loss of control of a vehicle or other transport equipment
  • Fall from a height
  • Fall, collapse or breakage of material

Drivers, mobile plant operators, heavy truck and lorry drivers are the main occupations killed.

Approximately 1000 non-fatal injuries are reported annually to the Authority. The most common non-fatal incident triggers are manual handling and slips, trips and falls.

Further statistical information on this sector is available in the following Statistics Dashboards:

Injury Types by Days Lost

Incident Trigger Profile

2008 Fatal Injuries

2008 Non-Fatal Injuries

2009 Fatal Injuries

2009 Non-Fatal Injuries

2010 Fatal Injuries

2010 Non-Fatal Injuries

2011 Fatal Injuries

2011 Non-Fatal Injuries

2012 Fatal Injuries

2012 Non-Fatal Injuries
